Cooperate Integration and Operational Efficiency of Quoted Food and Beverages of Quoted Food and Beverages Firms in South-South, Nigeria.


  • Ebikoboere Otuogha Iyo 1. Department of Marketing, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Cooperate integration, operational efficiency, quoted food, beverages firms, product quality, cost reduction, time delivery


This study explored the relationship between corporate integration and operational efficiency among quoted food and beverage firms in South-South Nigeria. Three research hypotheses were developed to guide the investigation. Employing a correlation survey research design, the study population consisted of 377 food and beverage firms, with a sample size of 191 determined using the Krejcie and Morgan sampling technique. Primary data collection methods were utilized, and the instrument's validity was ensured through content and face validation. Reliability was confirmed using the Cronbach's alpha test, which indicated strong internal consistency across all items. Hypotheses were tested using the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, and partial correlation was employed to assess the influence of moderating variables. The findings revealed significant relationships between corporate integration and key operational efficiency metrics: on-time delivery, cost reduction, and product quality. Specifically, corporate integration positively influenced these aspects of operational efficiency among the firms studied. The study recommends strengthening corporate integration practices to improve operational efficiency, with a particular focus on enhancing on-time delivery. Investments in robust integration strategies will enable firms to align processes effectively, reduce inefficiencies, and maintain high-quality outputs


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How to Cite

Ebikoboere Otuogha Iyo. (2025). Cooperate Integration and Operational Efficiency of Quoted Food and Beverages of Quoted Food and Beverages Firms in South-South, Nigeria. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 84–99. Retrieved from


