Model for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Organizational Management Structure of Construction Firms


  • Diyarova Mahliyo Islamovna Doctoral Candidate
  • Zaynalov Jahongir Rasulovich Scientific supervisor


profit, management, efficiency, optimization, expenses, financial analysis, material resources, economic efficiency, management structure, organizational management.


The article highlights one of the reasons for the inefficiency of existing approaches to managing the activities of construction firms. It is noted that this is due to the insufficient development of this issue in scientific literature. Based on the research results, it is noted that a crucial step in developing a strategy for the activities of a construction firm is assessing its financial condition. This assessment allows for identifying its strengths and weaknesses, viewing its strengths as opportunities to develop management in the desired direction, and devising measures to address shortcomings in management organization in areas that represent the firm's weak points. It is noted that effective management of construction firms involves analyzing their financial and material resources, approaches to evaluating management costs, and potential options for reducing these costs to ensure profit growth.


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How to Cite

Mahliyo Islamovna, D. ., & Jahongir Rasulovich, Z. (2025). Model for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Organizational Management Structure of Construction Firms. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 185–188. Retrieved from


