Encouraging Capital Inflows and Creating an Enabling Environment for Investment


  • Matchanov Umirzak Seytjanovich Financial Director of OTZMF LLC, ORCID: 0009-0005-5277-6606


investments, investment environment, investment attractiveness, business environment, strategy, foreign investments, risks, rating of regions, favorable regime, regional economy


This article examines the international experience of investment climate research, examines methods for assessing the investment environment and the degree of attractiveness of both individual regions and certain sectors of the economy. In addition, recommendations are provided aimed at strengthening investment attractiveness and creating favorable conditions for investment in various sectors of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite

Umirzak Seytjanovich, M. . (2025). Encouraging Capital Inflows and Creating an Enabling Environment for Investment. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 228–234. Retrieved from https://globalresearchnetwork.us/index.php/ajebm/article/view/3230


