Intellectual Capital and its Role in Enhancing Competitive Advantage, A Survey Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees of the Men's Clothing Factory in Najaf Governorate
Intellectual capital, competitive advantage, men's clothing factory in Najaf Governorate / IraqAbstract
The research aims to identify the role of intellectual capital in enhancing competitive advantage, as the study focused on a sample of employees of the men's clothing factory in Najaf Governorate. Based on the problem that the men's clothing factory suffers from weakness or lack of interest in the subject of competitive advantage, the research problem was formulated as follows (intellectual capital and its role in enhancing the competitive advantage of the organisation under study). To achieve the research goals, the researchers organised the questionnaire. Then, they distributed it to the employees of the men's clothing factory in Najaf Governorate, where the number of distributed questionnaires reached (145), of which (138) were recovered. Statistical tests were used, such as the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and statistical test (t-test) to analyse the results and test the hypotheses. The researchers concluded their efforts with conclusions and recommendations that could serve the clothing factory. One of the most important results reached by the researcher is the existence of a statistically significant correlation between each of the capital (human, structural, and relational) And the competitive advantage. Among the important recommendations that the researchers focused on is the necessity of dealing with intellectual capital as an important strategic resource, so it must be preserved as an effective element in the success of the organisation, as well as emphasising its role in the success of the organisation and achieving competitive advantage, especially in light of the technological and information developments that the world is witnessing at present.
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