The Role of Sustainable Leadership in Achieving Gob Happiness an Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees Working in the Men's Clothing Factory in Najaf Governorate
Sustainable Leadership, Gob HappinessAbstract
The current research aims to study the role of sustainable Leadership in achieving the organization's job happiness in the men's clothing Laboratory in Najaf. To achieve the research purposes, 105 questionnaires were distributed to a random sample of employees of the clothing Laboratory in Najaf governorate, and 102 valid questionnaires were retrieved for analysis. The statistical program Spss V was used.26 and the AMOS V program.26 to analyze the data; the results showed that there is a strong correlation between the Sustainable Leadership variable with its Dimension and the job happiness required in the men's clothing factory in Najaf, and the practical results showed that there is a significant moral impact of sustainable Leadership in Achieving job happiness it was concluded that sustainable Leadership has a significant effect on job happiness, as sustainable Leadership contributes to achieving Job Happiness, which benefits the organization .one of the important recommendations is that the laboratory management should focus on sustainable Leadership to achieve job happiness, as well as achieving the best performance in terms of productivity and maintaining employee loyalty.
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