The Impact Of Modern Information Technology Governance On The Quality Of Banking Service (Applied Research In A Sample Of Iraqi Banks)


  • Layla Abed Jasim AL- Iraqia University, College Of Economic and Administration, Financial and Banking Sciences



IT governance, Banking service quality


This research thus seeks to examine how modern information technology governance affects the quality of banking services through examining the relationship between the application of these principles when managing modern technologies and banking performance. The banking sector is one of the most dependent sectors which has been using information technology to provide excellent services to customers. With the further development of the usage of the modern technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data processing there is a need for proper IT governance to address the appropriate usage of the technologies. In this regard, the research considers understanding the need to promote an appropriate framework for managing IT governance in banking institutions. Incorporated in this framework is the development of policies and procedures to govern the utilization of contemporary technologies and checking their compliance on the strategic plan of the institution. I also established that IT governance influences the improvement of the quality of banking services as it relates to the security, speed, and accuracy of service delivery as well as the satisfaction of customers’ rising expectations. The study collects both archival data through literature review and survey data generated through case studies in banks that have adopted IT governance practices. The authors of the study prove that the enhancement of IT governance has an important positive impact on increasing the quality of banking services through increasing operation adaptability, better customer need satisfaction, and mitigation of technology risks. Besides, the research provides a framework of guidelines that banking institutions may use to properly adopt IT governance so as to harness the benefits of advanced technology with concomitant quality service delivery and customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Abed Jasim, L. (2025). The Impact Of Modern Information Technology Governance On The Quality Of Banking Service (Applied Research In A Sample Of Iraqi Banks). American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 347–356.


