Exploring The Impact Of Competitive Aggressiveness In Improving The Level Of Financial Performance: Knowledge Management As A Mediating Variable


  • Prof.Dr.Hashim Nayef Hashim Al-Hachim Management Technical College, Southern Technical University, Iraq
  • Adnan Saad Tuama Al-Sukaini Management Technical College, Southern Technical University, Iraq




Competitive aggressiveness, Knowledge management, Financial performance


The main objective of the research is explore the extent of the impact of competitive aggressiveness in improving the level of financial performance, relying on knowledge management as an intermediary variable. The research was launched in light of a problem summarized in a set of questions, the most important of which is (What is the impact of competitive aggressiveness in improving the level of financial performance through the intermediary role of knowledge management ? (To answer our research questions and reach its objectives, (Al- Nargis Group of Companies for General Contracting in Basra - Iraq) was adopted as a field for conducting the research. The research community consisted of engineers and individuals working in the production departments, administrative departments and maintenance department, while the research sample was represented by a random sample of individuals numbering (200) as a sample responding to the research. After collecting data and information through a questionnaire form the research sample, it was analyzed using the  (Smart pls4) and (Spss v.24) program. From the analysis of this data, a set of conclusions were reached, the most important of which was the existence of a correlation and influence between the dimensions of competitive aggression and financial performance with the presence of knowledge management as an intermediary variable.


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How to Cite

Nayef Hashim Al-Hachim, P. ., & Saad Tuama Al-Sukaini, A. . (2025). Exploring The Impact Of Competitive Aggressiveness In Improving The Level Of Financial Performance: Knowledge Management As A Mediating Variable. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 383–395. https://doi.org/10.31150/ajebm.v8i1.3257


