How to Make University Graduates More Competitive in Today’s Job Market
graduates, competitiveness, labor market, employability skills, competencies, soft skill and hard skills.Abstract
As the global economy shifts towards innovation-driven growth, the demand for highly skilled university graduates is growing. In Uzbekistan, significant reforms are being undertaken to enhance the higher education system and produce specialists capable of driving economic progress. However, the alignment between the competencies of university graduates and the needs of the labor market remains insufficient, with many graduates struggling to find the job This article explores the concept of university graduates competitiveness, focusing on both hard and soft skills as key determinants of employability. It examines various theoretical approaches to graduate competitiveness, dividing them into four main groups: cognitive, competence-based, market-oriented, and structured approaches. These frameworks emphasize different aspects of graduate capabilities, such as academic knowledge, personal traits, and readiness for professional life. The article argues that soft skills—such as critical thinking, teamwork, and adaptability—are increasingly essential for graduates to thrive in the modern labor market, where technical knowledge alone is no longer enough. In conclusion, the paper proposes a comprehensive definition of graduate competitiveness, suggesting that universities must equip students with the necessary skills to navigate a rapidly changing workforce, ensuring their success in both local and global job markets.
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