Digital Leadership and its Role in Creating Knowledge Zain Telecommunications Company in Iraq as a Model: An Analytical Study
Leadership, Digital leadership, Knowledge, Knowledge generation, Digital paymentAbstract
This study addressed understanding the role of digital leadership in mixing knowledge and identifying the benefits and advantages that it can provide, explaining the concept of digital leadership, and identifying the dimensions of digital leadership. Also, it identified how to create knowledge and explained its processes. Additionally, it analyzed the relationship between digital leadership and knowledge creation. The researchers took Zain Telecommunications Company as a study community, and a random sample of 95 individuals was selected from the original community. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data, and the hypotheses were tested. The study has reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: Investing in digital entrepreneurship can lead to increased innovation and digital transformation from telecommunications companies, as it leads to enhancing competitiveness and improving efficiency in providing services as well as helps them enhance communication and interaction between individuals and companies in Iraq, thus enhancing e-commerce and improving economic growth in the country. The present study aims to provide a set of recommendations that are considered solutions to the problem that the study community suffers from regarding the topic of te current research. The most important of these recommendations are encouraging digital leadership in the field of communications, providing financial and technical support to companies in this sector, and encouraging the company to store knowledge by benefiting from the skills and capabilities of its employees as well as using it when needed.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marwa Hassan Ali, Baraa Shaalan Amir, Ayat Naji Mahdi

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