Taxonometric Analysis of the State of Orientation of Listeners to Innovative Activity in the Process of Qualification Improvement


  • Jumanazarov Sirojiddin Tashkent Regional Center of retraining and in-service of the personnel of public education, Tashkent



taxonometric analysis, algorithm, matrix, isomorphic, stimulator, destimulator


In this article, based on the methods of taxonometric analysis, the issue of class allocation of listeners in the process of professional development is considered in the case of orientation to innovative activity. The main idea of this issue is to divide it into isomorphic groups, the structural values of which are close. An algorithm has been proposed to address this issue, and its usefulness has been tested in experimental studies.


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Jumanazarov S.S. Formation of cybercompetents of listeners in the process of training development// Middle European Scientific Bulletin, Volume 24 May 2022. ISSN 2694-9970. 336-338 p.




How to Cite

Sirojiddin, J. (2022). Taxonometric Analysis of the State of Orientation of Listeners to Innovative Activity in the Process of Qualification Improvement. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(6), 358–361.