The Role and Importance of Accounting Automation in the Digital Economy


  • Muxlisa Madiyarova Assistant teacher, Tashkent state university of economics
  • Dilshoda Abdurasulova Tashkent State University of Economics 1st year student of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting



ICT, Digital economy, Automated Programs, Investment, Connection, Accounting


The article is about the role and importance of accounting automation in the digital economy today, about the presentations and planned projects on this digital economy. Programs automating the accounting of the digital economy and their methods of operation. Digital economy accounting automation programs and their working methods and its dependence on ICT. According to the conclusion of the article, the contribution of the digital economy to accounting. CCS CONCEPTS  Digital Economy  International Ratings Telecommunications.


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How to Cite

Madiyarova, M. ., & Abdurasulova, D. . (2022). The Role and Importance of Accounting Automation in the Digital Economy. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(12), 254–260.