Motivating Students Towards Green ICT: Strategies for Higher Secondary School Teachers


  • Mr. Amit Adhikari Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Education, RKDF University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
  • Dr. Santanu Biswas Associate professor, RKDF University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
  • Dr. Asis Kumar Dandapat Principal, Hijli College, Kharagpur, Paschim Medinipur, WB, India



Motivating Students, Green ICT, Strategies, Higher Secondary School Teachers, Education


The strategies that higher secondary school teachers can employ to motivate students towards Green Information and Communication Technology (ICT). With the increasing importance of sustainability and environmental awareness, it is crucial for educators to foster a sense of responsibility and engagement in students regarding the impact of ICT on the environment. This paper presents a range of practical and effective strategies that teachers can implement in their classrooms to encourage students to embrace green practices in ICT. The significance of raising awareness among students about the environmental implications of ICT. Teachers can incorporate relevant case studies, documentaries, and discussions into their lessons to highlight the ecological footprint of ICT and its potential consequences. This will enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the issues and the urgency for sustainable solutions.  The importance of hands-on experiences and practical activities. Teachers can organize workshops and projects that involve students in designing and implementing eco-friendly ICT solutions. This approach not only enhances students' technical skills but also instills a sense of ownership and empowerment, as they witness the positive impact of their actions. The role of collaboration and peer learning. Teachers can facilitate group activities that encourage students to work together on green ICT initiatives. This collaborative approach promotes teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking while fostering a sense of collective responsibility towards the environment.  The importance of incorporating green ICT concepts into the curriculum. By integrating sustainable practices into relevant subjects such as computer science or information technology, teachers can ensure that green ICT becomes an integral part of students' education. This integration allows students to understand the practical applications of green ICT and prepares them for future careers in an environmentally conscious world. The significance of recognizing and rewarding students' efforts. Teachers can acknowledge and celebrate students' achievements in green ICT through certificates, awards, or eco-friendly initiatives. This recognition motivates students to continue their green ICT endeavors and inspires others to follow suit. The presents a comprehensive set of strategies for higher secondary school teachers to motivate students towards green ICT. By implementing these strategies, teachers can empower students to become environmentally responsible digital citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to address the challenges of the future.


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How to Cite

Adhikari, M. A. ., Biswas, D. S. ., & Dandapat, D. A. K. . (2023). Motivating Students Towards Green ICT: Strategies for Higher Secondary School Teachers. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(6), 31–40.