Methods for Establishing Psychological Communication with Citizens in Ensuring Public Security


  • Arzikulov Dilshod Ne'matovych Associate Professor of the Department of "Educational-Psychological Support of Service Activities" of the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ph.D. of Psychol., Associate Professor



behavior, communication, communicative, professional activity, psychological effect, communication process, psychological barriers


This article provides a theoretical analysis of the need for psychological knowledge, which is necessary in the process of establishing psychological communication between citizens and military personnel and employees of the National Guard while ensuring public safety. And the article discusses ways to improve professional communication based on psychological knowledge, the development of professional qualities necessary for the formation of skills and abilities for the correct and effective use of psychological techniques of communicative means of communication when interacting with citizens of different categories performing official activities.


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How to Cite

Ne’matovych, A. D. . (2023). Methods for Establishing Psychological Communication with Citizens in Ensuring Public Security. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(2), 171–179.