Ancient Residence Locations on the South Aral Beach


  • Alimbetov A. K. Karakalpak State University, Nukus



Gavr-kala, Mizdahkan, complex, chronology, topography, section, Khorezmshahi


This article contains simple shelters in Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic settlements on the Southern Aral Sea Region, shelters in the Bronze Age monuments of Tuzabagyab, Amirabad semi-basement, chayla, Citadel-shaped settlements, ancient forms of settlements, as well as development invasions, the main types and functional tasks of residential buildings, the location of the OES at a certain distance, the dimensions of the opened rooms and the task of atkarkhan, the process of construction of their internal interiors using building materials, adapted to the climate and nature of the dwelling, are analyzed, therefore, together with the Citadel – the castles typical of early urban planning, the defensive walls of the Connect, the household utensils found in them, the planning of cities and villages of ancient and ancient times, in which the primitive-collective, seed, including mother-and father, reflected the various manifestations of the seed tradition, and then the manifestations of separation into strata in residential areas.


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How to Cite

K., A. A. . (2023). Ancient Residence Locations on the South Aral Beach. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(3), 163–167.