The Implementation of the Competency Based Approach in Secondary Schools in the English-Speaking Sub-System of Education in Cameroon
Competency, School, English-Speaking, EducationAbstract
The study was a survey which investigated teachers’ views on the implementation of the CBA. It adopted a sequential explanatory approach where a 28-item closed-ended likert scale questionnaire was administered first and after analysis some responses came up which needed to be exploited through an interview. Instrument validation was ensured. A total of 253 secondary school teachers from 14 schools in five divisions of the two English-speaking regions of Cameroon namely: Mezam, Menchum divisions in the Northwest region and Fako, Ndian and Manyu divisions of the Southwest region of Cameroon. Schools were randomly selected but participants volunteered to participate in the study. The results were presented descriptively using percentages and the mean as a measure of central tendency was used to rank the items in from the items with the highest mean responses to the least. As for the interview guide, the responses were analyzed and presented in the form of themes along with a sample of essential quotations. Findings revealed that teachers were competent in the implementation of the CBA, the constraints included large classes, inadequate resources, discrepancy in the understanding of the CBA and more. However, the effect of the CBA on students is better than that of previous approaches. Recommendations were made.
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