The Effects of Respiratory Viral Infection in Combating Avicenna's Legacy


  • Dilorom Kamarovna Ishankulova Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan



Avicenna, acute bronchitis protracted (APB), recurrent (RB), of respiratory viral infections, the immunological picture, correction using adaptogens (Ginseng)


The aim of the article is to analyze the study of the role of respiratory viral infections in acute bronchitis with a protracted and recurrent course, the peculiarities of the immunological picture in these forms of pathology, as well as ways to correct them using adaptogens (Ginseng). The article focuses on the use of medicinal plants used in medicine (adaptogens - Ginseng), indicated in the works of Avicenna. Particular attention is paid to the significant role of active and associated, as well as persistent and chronic viral infection, which largely determines the nature of the inflammatory process and confirms the similarity of these patients with respect to immunological disorders in the mechanisms of the formation of a protracted course of bronchial inflammation. Based on the analysis of the virological and immune status, as well as the involvement of adaptogens (Ginseng) in the treatment of these patients, a significant increase is established that exceeds the normal values of cellular, humoral immunity, phagocytic activity of neutrophils and monocytes in the peripheral blood. The author suggested that in case of detection of viral antigens and a decrease in the indices of immunological reactivity in acute bronchitis with a protracted and recurrent course, the conventional treatment should be supplemented with the appointment of adaptogens (Ginseng). The work is interdisciplinary in nature, written at the intersection of clinics, virology, immunology.


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How to Cite

Ishankulova, D. K. . (2022). The Effects of Respiratory Viral Infection in Combating Avicenna’s Legacy. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(1), 378–383.


