The strategy of managing the organizational impression and the relationship with the behaviors of the functional voice in private banks in Iraq.


  • Abdulrazak Amer Adnan Department of business management -Alkunooze university


Organizational impression management, Organizational impression management strategies, Ingratiation Strategy, Intimidation Strategy


The research focused on identifying versatility for research variables (organizational impression strategies, and functional behavior) for being important and modern in the Iraqi environment in general, and the banking sector, by posing a realistic problem embodied by several intellectual and applied questions. In Al Basra, Iraq, the Private Banks is representing them. The research focused on identifying versatility for research variables (organizational impression strategies, and functional behavior) for being important and modern in the Iraqi environment in general, and the banking sector, by posing a realistic problem embodied by several intellectual and applied questions. For techniques for controlling organizational impression and job habits, and from their search results. In order to acquire the essential data and information, the research used a case study technique for the Bank in the Governorate of Basra. The overall number of people who got the questionnaire and completed it was 117, accounting for 77% of the total research community (152). The study relied on a readymade statistical program to analyses and process data using non-parametric statistical procedures (20 SPSS).


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How to Cite

Abdulrazak Amer Adnan. (2022). The strategy of managing the organizational impression and the relationship with the behaviors of the functional voice in private banks in Iraq. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 5(4), 18–35. Retrieved from