Improving The Process of Developing Management Personnel Competencies Through Artificial Intelligence


  • Alisher MAMATOV Head of the Division for the Implementation of Information Technologies and the Digitalization of Educational Processes at the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor of the ICT in Management Department at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan



civil servants, management personnel, competencies, digitalization,, innovative technologies, artificial intelligence, digital management, intelligent information system


The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has introduced intelligent approaches in various fields. In particular, these technologies play an invaluable role in modernizing the processes of training, retraining, and ensuring the continuous professional development of managerial personnel. This article presents the results of a survey conducted among more than 500 managers working in the public sector to assess the effectiveness of organizing continuous professional development courses and the use of AI technologies in this process. Based on the research results, taking into account the survey results and advanced international practices, an intelligent information system model is proposed. This system is designed to assess the competencies of managerial personnel and automatically recommend key competencies that they need to develop. In addition, the article offers suggestions for mechanisms to digitally manage the process of improving professional competencies, assessing its economic efficiency, and integrating AI tools into this area.


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How to Cite

MAMATOV , A. . (2025). Improving The Process of Developing Management Personnel Competencies Through Artificial Intelligence. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 33–44.


