Business Feasibility Study Analysis of 3D Cinema in Tourism Park
Business Feasibility Study, 3D Cinema, Tourism ParkAbstract
3D cinemas can be a unique and iconic tourist attraction, so they have the potential to attract more visitors to tourist parks. The author uses a case study research method to focus attention directly and conduct a more specific exploratory analysis to understand the situation. The case study approach can also be used to research cases in the past, but the effects or consequences of the case can still be felt today. From the analysis, the 3D cinema business in tourist parks has promising market potential with the use of appropriate marketing strategies based on case studies of tourist parks in the Indonesian region that have run 3D cinema businesses. Furthermore, it is expected to be a consideration for tourist park managers in several regions to provide 3D cinemas as an alternative attraction in tourist parks.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Tutik Heriana, Bobur Sobirov, Anton Subagyo, Rahmad Kurniawan, Ayu Oktavia Lestari

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