The Impact of Changes on the System of City Management on Urban Culture


  • Choriev Jamshid Shokirjanovich Termez State University Researcher of the Department of World History



city administration, urban culture, population centers, elders, commanders, judges, chairmen, murabs, guards, administrative, territorial control


The principalities are located in the centers of ancient settlements. the main authority in the city was at the disposal of the judge in resolving the existing problems between the population and the administration for the administrative, territorial control of the city. All legal review and litigation was conducted by a judge. During the reign of Bukhara khan Rahimkhan a number of reforms were carried out for the purpose of administrative and territorial management of cities. In particular, the control over the cities of Shakhrisabz and Kitab has been strengthened. The city of Karshi is culturally and economically developed


V.Bezobrazov. "Essays on Shakhrisabz's Bext" by Asari.

O.Parmonov., A.Berdiev. Book District. Science Publishing, 1996, pp. 30-31.

O.Parmonov, A.Berdiev. Book District. Science Publishing, 1996, pp. 35-36.

Ananiev. Sherabad valley. Str-101.

Fitrat. The reign of Amir Alimkhan. T .: Minhoj Charitable Publishing House of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan. 1992, p.161.




How to Cite

Shokirjanovich, C. J. (2022). The Impact of Changes on the System of City Management on Urban Culture. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(6), 55–57.