Emphasis in Phrase


  • D. Khodjaeva Kokand DPI associate professors, candidates of philological sciences
  • O. Tukhtasinova Kokand DPI associate professors, candidates of philological sciences




phrase emphasis, phrase, complex expression, level 2 logical emphasis, logical-rhythmic and intonational feature, tone, grammatical and phonetic structure


This article discusses the types of stress in a phrase or speech stress by its nature, the tone in a modern Turkic language and the stress in a phrase, the primary, basic logical musical types of a melody.


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How to Cite

Khodjaeva, D., & Tukhtasinova, O. (2022). Emphasis in Phrase. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(6), 322–324. https://doi.org/10.31150/ajshr.v3i6.1246