Developing Critical Thinking of Learners in the English Language Lessons


  • Bairova Soadat Akhundjanovna English language teacher of the boarding school specialized in in-depth teaching of mother tongue and literature named after Muhammed Yusuf in Andijan



critical thinking, learning process, mental activity, modern didactics, critical thinker, time, principles of problem-based education


In this article is highlighted the pedagogical foundations of critical thinking in students’ acquisition in English language and developing critical thinking ability. Educators and scholars enable the students to reveal qualities, necessary for students to enhance their critical thinking skills and become independent learners. Different points of view on the problem are given.


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How to Cite

Akhundjanovna, B. S. . (2023). Developing Critical Thinking of Learners in the English Language Lessons. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(2), 154–157.