Important Issues of Improving Legal Culture in Society (In the Example of the Activity of Internal Affairs Bodies)


  • Radjabov Bunyod Bahadir O`G`Li An employee of the ministry of internal affairs, Independent researcher of the ministry of internal affairs



internal affairs bodies, legal propaganda, legal information, legal awareness, legal culture, professional culture


In the article, the theoretical and legal foundations of the activities of the internal affairs bodies to raise the legal consciousness and culture of society are comparatively analyzed, the data and results obtained through the sociological survey conducted in this regard are studied, and the problems that may arise in this area of the internal affairs bodies are prevented, the factors affecting it are determined and issues of implementation of targeted measures were discussed in detail.


Raising legal awareness and legal culture in society is important in strengthening legality, which makes respect for laws, human rights and freedoms in every person and creation of an environment of intolerance towards violations the most important issue on the agenda.

In recent years, reforms aimed at fundamentally improving the activities of internal affairs bodies have been carried out in our country, but today, the lack of scientific research into the activities of internal affairs bodies aimed at improving the legal culture in society is causing the persistence of systemic problems in this direction and slowing down the introduction of innovative solutions in the field.

Therefore, in the course of the research, the results of the sociological survey and the received suggestions and information were analyzed in order to determine the problems and their causes affecting the activities of the internal affairs bodies aimed at increasing the legal culture in the society.

In the social survey conducted during the research work, "Which state/non-state/public organization or entities do you highly value in improving the legal culture of the society?" 26.2% of the respondents to the question were journalists and bloggers, 25.4% were judicial bodies, 4.2% were educational institutions, 3.5% were courts and deputies/senators, 3.1% were prosecutors' offices and the National Guard, 23, 1 percent answered that they are internal affairs bodies.

Also, "To what extent do internal affairs bodies cooperate with state/non-state/public/educational organizations in their activities related to improving the legal culture of society?" 20 percent of the respondents to the question called are unsatisfactory, that is, there is no interaction with IIO at my place of work, study, and residence, 53.1% are satisfied, that is, cooperation with IO for reports and photos is observed at my place of work, study, and residence, 22.3% good, at my work, study and place of residence there are sometimes promotional events and dialogues with the IIO, 4.6% answered that there is excellent, constant communication on mutual legal assistance and cooperation is established.

From this questionnaire, we can see that state management bodies and organizations, as well as the system of internal affairs bodies, require strengthening of public relations and mutual cooperation in improving legal culture in society.

Public control is not only control over the activities of state agencies, but also the way of self-management of society, in other words, one of the important factors of development of civil society.

Therefore, the Advisory Council for the Development of Civil Society, the Center for Civil Society Development, and the National Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations should join hands and take the initiative to create an effective system of public control in each field and sector in the coming year.

Public oversight should be implemented and coordinated primarily in law enforcement and regulatory agencies, finance, banking, education, health, utilities, energy, and transportation.

Also, "Evaluate the professional knowledge and communication culture of the employees of the internal affairs bodies on a scale of 1 to 5?" 2.3 percent of respondents gave 1 point, 4.6 percent 2 points, 57.7 percent 3 points, 28.8 percent 4 points, 6.5 percent 5 points to the question called

Similarly, "What can destroy or hinder you in the process of communication with citizens, i.e. explaining their rights and obligations, responsibility and punishment?" 15.2% of the respondents to the question called not being able to speak clearly and fluently with citizens in legal language; 27.7 percent lack full qualifications, skills and experience in their activities; 41.1% of them indicated that they could not stand the citizen's demand for their rights, insincere attitude, that is, they could not be patient, and 16.1% responded with rudeness to the citizen's rudeness, that is, the situations of anger affect the communication process.

Like the above question, "Tell me, how do you rate your legal knowledge and professional potential in improving the legal literacy of the population as an employee of the IАВ?" 9.8 percent of respondents to the question called Unsatisfied; 36.6 percent Satisfied; 48.2 percent gave the answer as Good and 5.4 percent as Excellent.

In addition, "To what extent do you consider the activities of internal affairs bodies aimed at improving the legal consciousness and culture of the population?" 11.5 percent of respondents are dissatisfied with the question called; 43.8 percent cannot provide a satisfactory, complete and detailed legal explanation during the interaction; We can see that 38.1 percent of them said that they can give a good, full legal explanation in most cases, and only 6.5 percent said that they can give excellent, useful legal advice in any case.

Also, if they specified the answer options, they indicated the following factors as an addition.

In general, in the process of studying the personal opinions of the respondents, it can be understood that citizens did not pay attention to the assessment of the whole system while expressing opinions of a subjective nature. In the process of entering into a certain legal relationship, it is not unlikely that a negative opinion and conclusion was formed during the meeting with the employee of the internal affairs body. However, the possibility that each expressed opinion will serve as a basis for defining solutions and measures will be explored with a thorough analysis.

In the survey, as a logical continuation of the above question, "In the last year, what issue/situation did you encounter with an employee of the internal affairs body?" 15.4 percent of the respondents to the question I faced because I committed an offense or an illegal act (crime); 42.7 percent encountered in the process of obtaining legal advice; 18.8 percent said that they encountered it during participation in legal advocacy events, 8.5 percent said that they encountered it in cases related to close relatives and acquaintances.

The effectiveness of any democratic reforms, the main guarantee of peace and development is directly related to the provision of the Constitution and the rule of law.

Improving legal culture in society is closely related to ensuring the rule of law. Officials at all levels, human resources (personnel), whether it is a minister, governor or ordinary citizen, must know the Constitution and laws thoroughly, organize their implementation properly, and first of all, it is necessary to create an environment in which all members of society must strictly follow these rules.

Even with the creation of perfect laws and many reforms, it will be difficult to achieve the expected results if the legal knowledge, consciousness and culture of the citizens are not sufficient.

Respect for the constitution and laws, legal consciousness and culture become the way of life and activity of every citizen, every official, and the activity of the internal affairs bodies is in the main place.

Especially in neighborhoods and educational institutions, it is necessary to develop the activities of the population and young people in accordance with the times in ensuring that the population and young people are sympathetic to the state policy, in their knowledge of their rights and freedoms in entering into legal relations, and instilling a sense of appreciation of positive changes in the life of society from a young age.

As changes in the legal culture of the society, "circumventing the law" in solving many daily life issues, such as entering a higher educational institution, obtaining a permit or license to start a business, paying taxes, bureaucratic obstacles and censorship, has decreased in recent years and is gradually disappearing. Although the participation and actions of the internal affairs bodies among the protection bodies are gratifying, it is still too early to say that thanks to these changes, our society has been completely freed from negative evils and lawlessness.

Therefore, it is necessary to continuously continue our work on raising legal consciousness and legal culture in the society, to start legal education from the pre-school education system, and to inculcate the first skills in this regard in the hearts of children from the family for life.

Our Constitution should become a real life constitution, deeply rooted in the mind and heart of every citizen, fully guaranteeing their rights and freedoms.

It is necessary to prepare a scientific-based program for the improvement of legal culture for each existing field and direction, for all stages of education.

In this direction, the creation of interesting shows, feature films, serials, theater works about the victory of justice in the life of society and the restoration of legal rights will be of great educational importance.

In his speeches at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the adoption of our Constitution, the President pointed out that the people who fight for the celebration of law and justice should be the heroes of today, and the lives of such people should be a creative theme for poets, writers, directors, and journalists.

Taking into account the above considerations, the following proposals are put forward:

to introduce and regularly conduct training hours on legal education one day a week in state power and management bodies, including local state power bodies, including explaining in detail the content of newly adopted legal documents to employees;

raising the legal culture of employees in state bodies and organizations, including organizing legal counseling courses aimed at increasing their level of legal knowledge. In this:

paying special attention to foreign regions, organizing seminars and trainings on training minimum requirements of legal knowledge for employees;

organizing lectures on explaining labor legislation, the Constitution, human rights, legislative requirements in the field of anti-corruption to employees;

to explain to employees the essence of the legal documents on their activities and teach them the basics of application;

organization of legal advocacy groups in state bodies and organizations that operate on a public basis and ensure that they systematically promote the norms of legislation in the field among employees;

to use practical, effective and innovative mechanisms in accordance with the times in explaining their rights to the population, especially to the youth;

introducing minimum requirements for teaching and learning legal knowledge about rights, freedoms and obligations in educational institutions. Opening special columns on legal topics in mass media, official websites and social networks and constantly providing legal information and news in them;

introducing innovative mechanisms for explaining to the population the adopted legal documents of all state bodies and organizations in their field in an analytical way, in a simple and popular language, as well as opening channels of legal information by opening separate pages on social networks;

preparation and distribution of effective television programs and radio broadcasts aimed at the prevention of violations, which serve to increase the legal culture of citizens, based on the actual problems that torment the population;

Broadcasting of analytical talk shows, debate-oriented shows and broadcasts on television to explain to the population the essence and significance of the adopted legal documents;

conducting sociological, special, scientific research and other types of research and surveys in order to study and analyze the state of raising the legal consciousness and legal culture of the population in the society;

creating and systematically broadcasting films aimed at educating the population in the spirit of law-abidingness.




How to Cite

O`G`Li, R. B. B. . (2023). Important Issues of Improving Legal Culture in Society (In the Example of the Activity of Internal Affairs Bodies). American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(3), 18–21.