International Experience in Reforming Higher Education Systems on the Example of the Scandinavian Countries


  • Primova Dilbar Xushvaqtovna



ducational technologies, teaching methods, Scandinavian countries, global changes in the labor market


Modernization as a process of change in the model of education is associated with the
challenges and requirements of modernity in terms of innovative components. The experience of reforming
higher education systems in Finland, Sweden and Norway is considered. The relevance of the study is related
to the need to study the experience of developed countries using various models and modern technologies in
education, with an increased differentiation of educational services for different segments of the population.


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How to Cite

Primova Dilbar Xushvaqtovna. (2023). International Experience in Reforming Higher Education Systems on the Example of the Scandinavian Countries. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(5), 156–160.