proverbs, sayingsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze and evaluate the place of proverbs and sayings in the cultural heritage, and traditions. The work uses methods of cultural analysis in relation to such an object as proverbs and sayings in cultural traditions. The article is devoted to a modern problem. For this purpose, there are analysis to look at the proverbs and sayings in different languages and check how the concept of gender is reflected in them and what gender parameters prevail in their national language pictures of the world and compare them from the point of view of expressing cultural and social values. It is intended to show how proverbs and sayings belonging to different languages and cultures can express similar or opposite ideas. Throughout the article, it is emphasized the need for researchers and psychologists to collaborate, drawing from each other's expertise to create a holistic approach to education. The article concludes by discussing the potential impact of these innovations on educational institutions and society as a whole, highlighting the importance of staying at the forefront of pedagogical and psychological research in an ever-evolving educational landscape.
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