The Important Principles of Summary Writing


  • Khujayeva Umida Master of Webster university, Tashkent



summary writing, reader-based, writer-based, paraphrasing


The effectiveness of summary writing has been investigated in myriad empirical studies and research. The aim of this article is to investigate how writing summaries helps learners who are intending to learn a language as a second or foreign language to ameliorate their production in different skills. This study has been framed around the following questions: a) how is summary writing defined by eminent scholars? b) what types of summaries exist and their effectiveness in SLA or FLA? c) what steps should be taken into consideration in writing summaries? d) what principles need to be followed or avoided in summary writing? So as to analyze the afore-mentioned questions, various academic and linguistic resources were analyzed and compared.


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How to Cite

Khujayeva Umida. (2021). The Important Principles of Summary Writing. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 2(2), 260–264.


