The Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Silence "Analytical Research in the Presidency of the University of Fallujah"


  • Ibrahim Khaled Mustafa Assistant Lecturer, University of Fallujah – Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs


Organizational culture, organizational silence, Presidency of the University of Fallujah


The main objective of the research is to find out the extent to which organizational culture affects organizational silence at the University of Fallujah, which is to know how organizational culture affects the behaviors and creativity of employees within the university, and four dimensions of organizational culture have been identified, namely (strategic dimension - organizational dimension - creative dimension - openness to the surrounding environment) The second variable, which is organizational silence, has been identified five dimensions, namely (isolation - weak support from senior management - fear of negative reactions - concerns related to work - the weakness of the experiment), which is expected to give results that help achieve the objectives of the current research, and in order to obtain the best results, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach, either the research sample consisted of (70) of the teachers and employees working in the presidency of the University of Fallujah, and the questionnaire was the tool used by the researcher to collect the required data, and to do the analysis of that data, the researcher used the statistical program (SPSS). One of the most important findings of the research is the significant impact of organizational culture on the levels of organizational silence among university employees.


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How to Cite

Mustafa , I. K. . (2025). The Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Silence "Analytical Research in the Presidency of the University of Fallujah". American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 213–227. Retrieved from


