Methods of Teaching Team Attack Techniques to Young Attackers in Handball Training


  • Boltayev Zayniddin Bolteyevich Professor, Head of the educational and methodological department
  • Muxammatqulova Zarnigor Qarshiboy qizi Master of the Finnish Pedagogical Institute of Uzbekistan



physical availability, handball, skills, technique, physical exercise


Studing to play handball technique is to find and assimilate technical processes driving expression of the players optimal opportunities and increase their effectiveness as structured driving current game. This research was conducted at the level of junior handball teams during a competitive year in which research subjects were in training a large percentage of technical exercises, assessed by control samples prepared by federation of specialized or domain experts. To assess the level of technical training and progress have passed control samples at the beginning and end of the research.


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How to Cite

Bolteyevich, B. Z. ., & qizi, M. Z. Q. . (2023). Methods of Teaching Team Attack Techniques to Young Attackers in Handball Training. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 4(1), 112–115.