Role Readiness for Change in Moderate Work Discipline Relationsand Transformational Leadership on Nurses' Performance in Denpasar
readiness to change, work discipline, transformational leadership, nurse performanceAbstract
The performance of nurses has a very important role for hospitals, because nurses are one of the key human resources in health services. Good nurse performance can increase patient satisfaction, improve the positive image of the hospital, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of health services. This research aims to analyze the moderating role of readiness to change on the influence of work discipline and transformational leadership on the performance of private hospital nurses in Denpsar. Subjects in this research is a private hospital nurse in Denpasar City. Descriptive measurements and analysis were carried out to obtain an overview or portrait of the respondents. The results of these descriptive measurements are then used as a basis for carrying out statistical analysis. Data was collected through a questionnaire instrument (Likert Scale) which has been tested for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, the sample was determined as 85 people using incidental sampling technique. Next, the collected data was analyzed using the SEM-PLS analysis technique. The research results state that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on performance of private hospital nurses in Denpasar City. Transformational leadership has a positive and insignificant effect on performance of private hospital nurses in Denpasar City. Readiness for change moderates the influence of work discipline on performance of nurses in private hospitals in the city Denpasar Readiness for change moderates the influence of transformational leadership on performance private hospital nurse in Denpasar City.
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