The 21st Century Requirements for Management Functions in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review


  • Xusanboyev Doniyorbek



Planning, organizing, leading, controlling, objectives, co-ordination, employee’s moral, classifying authority, responsibility, specialization.


This article defines the basic functions of management that are the backbone for effective organizational operation and success. It considers the five core functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In each function, it is described in detail how it is significant to achieve organizational goals. Planning involves setting objectives and determining strategies to meet them, while organizing arranges resources and tasks for optimal efficiency. While leading focuses on motivating and directing employees toward performance goals, controlling ensures that activities within the organization are performed according to established standards through observation and corrective measures. Understanding and integrating these management functions will help an organization to be cohesive and adaptive, increasing productivity, driving innovation, and sustaining growth in a dynamic business environment. The article seeks to provide a general overview to underpin the imperative of appropriate management practices towards the realization of success within an organization.


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How to Cite

Doniyorbek, X. . (2025). The 21st Century Requirements for Management Functions in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review. American Journal of Economics and Business Management, 8(1), 467–477.


