Comparison of Vocabulary Relationship between the Lewoheba Variant and the Lamaholot Language and Kedang Language


  • Simon Sabon Ola Linguistics Professor. Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Yosep Bisara Kroon Associate Professor in Linguistics,Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia



kin lexicon, language status, critical language


This research is focused on the Lewoheba Variant (LV) found in Lewoheba village, Balurebong village, Lebatukan district, in Lembata Regency – Indonesia, which is thought to have the status of a language. To determine the position, a comparison of the relative vocabulary was carried out between LV and Lamaholot Language (LL), and Kedang Language (KL). Based on Swadesh Vocabulary data (200 Vocabularies), it was found that there were only 45 LV lexicons could be compared with LL and KL. The results of the lexicostatistical analysis showed that the average percentage of kinship between LV, LL, and KL was 10.85%. In other words, it is stated that the percentage difference of LV proves that it is a different language from LL and KL. The status of LV as a language, namely Lewoheba Language (LHL) was determined when LHL had 1 (one) speaker, even though the population of Lewoheba village has 27 families. It is found that the status of LHL is known when it is in the critical language category.


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How to Cite

Ola, S. S., & Kroon, Y. B. (2022). Comparison of Vocabulary Relationship between the Lewoheba Variant and the Lamaholot Language and Kedang Language. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(5), 94–104.