Methodology of Teaching the Russian Language and Literature


  • Koneva Svetlana Khamidovna TSPU named after Nizami, senior lecturer of the Department of General Pedagogy
  • Kamilova Halima Daniyarovna TSPU named after Nizami, Faculty of Russian Language and Literature - 4th year student



language details, Russian language, methods, methodology, literature


The method of teaching the Russian language begins with teaching the language to elementary school students. The first method of teaching Russian is a practical technique. Psychological and pedagogical patterns of the educational process are similar to the needs of society. At the heart of these needs are the means of communication. Communication tools determine the ways of teaching Russian to students in accordance with their language characteristics. The method of teaching the Russian language consists of literary parts, language skills of students, grammar concepts, changes in the language system over time (assimilation) and other parts of language science. Methodology; Pedagogy, psychology and philosophy at the intersection of disciplines. These disciplines have a common interest.


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How to Cite

Khamidovna, K. S. ., & Daniyarovna, K. H. . (2022). Methodology of Teaching the Russian Language and Literature. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(12), 234–237.