Mechanisms of Improving the Coordination Abilities of Children Aged 6-7 Years through Nontraditional Exercises Classes


  • Kholboeva G. K Basic doctoral student, Samarkand State University Samarkand, Uzbekistan



primary gymnastics, rhythmic exercises, pedagogical experience, motor activity, physical fitness, physical qualities


Aim: Development of motor activity, physical fitness of children by means of rhythmic exercises based on nontraditional exercises.

Methods: 1. Pedagogical test 2. Pedagogical experience; 3. Heart rate monitoring; 4. Self-examination; 5. Method of mathematical statistics.

Results: As a result of the study, it was found that in children 6-7 years old, on the basis of rhythmic exercises based on nontraditional exercises, coordination abilities increases by 11.4%, and physical fitness-by 11.32%. After the experiment, changes in the statistical reliability of the test results were revealed (p<0.05 and higher, 847 ±0.9, tct =1.55)

Conclusion: The experimental program in comparison with the traditional program of physical education provided for the motor intensity of classes of 75-87% and the intensity of the load, the heart rate in the main part from 87 to 187% per minute, when choosing the means and methods of physical education, the age characteristics of children 6-7 years were taken into account.The results of the experiment showed a high efficiency of the program developed during the study and applied in the experimental group in comparison with the traditional program used in the control group.


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How to Cite

K, K. G. . (2022). Mechanisms of Improving the Coordination Abilities of Children Aged 6-7 Years through Nontraditional Exercises Classes. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(8), 161–167.