Cleaner Production and Its Role in Improving The Level of Performance (A Survey Study of The Opinions of A Sample Of Workers in The General Company For Fertilizer Industry in The Southern Region)


  • Adnan Saad Tuama Al-Sukaini Management Technical College, Southern Technical University, Iraq
  • Wafaa Majeed Jaber AL- Muttairi Health and Medical Techniques college , Southern Technical University, Iraq



Cleaner Production, Performance Level, Substitution Of Raw Materials, Recycling, Administrative Procedures, Task Performance, Proactive Performance, Counterproductive Work Behavior


The main objective of the research is to know the extent of cleaner production in improving the level of performance in the researched company. The research was launched from a problem summarized in a set of questions, the most important of which was (What is the impact of cleaner production on the company's performance?) In order to answer the research questions and achieve its objectives, the General Company for Fertilizer Industry in the Southern Region was adopted as a field for applying the research. The research sample consisted of individuals working in different departments within the company, numbering (44) individuals as a sample responding to the research. After collecting data and information through the questionnaire form from the research sample, it was analyzed using the program (Smart pls 4). After analyzing the results, a set of conclusions were reached, the most important of which is: Cleaner production as an (independent variable) has an impact on the company's performance as a (dependent variable).


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How to Cite

Al-Sukaini, A. S. T. ., & AL- Muttairi, W. M. J. . (2025). Cleaner Production and Its Role in Improving The Level of Performance (A Survey Study of The Opinions of A Sample Of Workers in The General Company For Fertilizer Industry in The Southern Region). American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 6(1), 132–146.


